Trus'me - For My Jewel by trusme

Trus'me - For My Jewel by trusme

Also for the Jewel that gave me the inspiration, you know who you are xx

Track listing in true Bugie fashion

Artist - title - label - year

For My Jewel 1980 - 1985

1. Arnie's Love - I'm out of your life - Streetwave 1983

2. Ingram - D.J's Delight- Streetwave 1983

3. Spencer Money - How High (Garage Mix) - Elite 1982

4. Vernon Burch - Do it to me - Paula 1985

5. OVS - Crimes of Passion (Dub Version) - Portrait 1985

6. Roy Ayers - Silver vibrations - Uno Melodic 1983

7. Serge - Out in the NIght - WEA 1983

8. Ago - You make me do it - Full Time 1982

9. Mary Jane Girls - Candy Man - Mowtown 1983

10. Glen Adams Affair - Just A Groove (remix) - Excaliber - 1980